Rabu, 21 Juli 2010

Weber Grill Covers: A Easy solution

Weber grills have proven itself in the test of versatility, durability and its design. Thus with such high high quality machines, maintenance is essential for exactly the same. Thus weber grill covers have been made to be the ideal solution for these grills.

There are numerous aspects of Weber grill covers which have made them a really helpful part which one should possess. These positive aspects are:

The designing of all the Weber grill covers are ideal to the size of the grill. They have lengthy sides which is good for protection of the grill from all the elements. Along with that the center is usually a fitted 1.

Weber is recognized for world class standards and doesn't compromise on quality. Therefore even in the case of Weber grill covers they generally utilize heavy duty vinyl which makes it long lasting and very protective. You will find it reinforced with Kevlar fibers contributing to its strength. The heavy duty vinyl doesn't even crack in sub zero temperature. Apart from that the material for these grill covers are weather resistant

1.The Weber grill cover protects from dirt and dust. Apart from that it also is designed for circulation and evaporation

2. Apart from that there are many premium Weber grill covers which provide a protective covering till they almost hit the bottom.

3. Various kinds of weber grill covers are obtainable which would suit the needs of just about anybody. Moreover most of their covers will be suitable for many models of their grills which make it convenient.

4. The designing or the grill cover is 1 which makes it user friendly rather than extremely bulky.

5. Moreover, the maintenance for the Weber grill cover is one which is easy, since it's light and proves simple to wash.

6. The Weber grill covers are very easily available on the internet and one can get it shipped right away

You will find many clients who feel like Weber grill covers are really costly. Nevertheless its features of utility, versatility and longevity, it’s totally worth each and every bit of money which 1 pays for there grill cover. Furthermore, the grill cover would be changed at the time of changing the grill, therefore one can estimate the life of the cover to be exactly the same!

Surely one of the easiest bets for any grill cover, so go and grab your Weber grill cover now!

Pop Popcorn on the Stove for Great Taste and Better Health

Health concerns frequently outweigh the convenience of microwave popcorn. And taste preference can impact the healthy choice of using a hot air popcorn popper. Popping popcorn on the stove top can be a great compromise.

Stove top popcorn popping gives you the option to choose the type of oil you use and how much flavoring you want to add. You can use a pan with a matching lid from your kitchen or buy a Whirley Pop Stovetop Popcorn Popper.

A Whirley Pop consists of an aluminum pan with a clip on lid. It also has a stirring metal rod that you use to manually stir the popcorn kernels around the bottom of the pan. Steam vents at the top lets moisture escape. This popcorn popper can be bought for around $20.

If you’re using a pan, then you’ll want to make sure that it has a thick bottom and a handle. The lid should be tight fitting. For perfect popcorn, follow these steps:

1. Cover the bottom of the pan totally with canola or vegetable oil.
2. Toss in a few kernels to test when the oil is heated and put the lid on
3. Once you hear a two or three pops, add a half a cup of popcorn and put the cover back on
4. Once the popping starts, shake the pan back and forth until the popping stops
5. Then remove from the stove, season and enjoy.

Stove top popcorn popping brings back old fashion magic to the popcorn experience. Hearing the rapid pops in the pan is a lot more satisfying than watching a microwave bag inflate.

As previously mentioned, popping popcorn on a stove is great way to gain control of how your popcorn is popped. You cut out any potential health issues found with microwave popcorn. You’re more in control of the calories you eat. And you can season to your taste.

Selasa, 09 Maret 2010

Sambel Terasi

  • 10 buah cabai merah
  • 3 buah cabai rawit
  • 2 buah tomat
  • 1 sdm terasi, bakar/sangrai
  • 1 sdt garam
  • 1 sdm gula jawa
  • 6 buah jeruk lamau, ambil airnya
Cara Membuat:
  • Haluskan cabai, tomat, dan terasi, beri garam, gula, dan air jeruk limau, aduk hingga rata
  • Hidangkan sambal sebagai pendamping rawon

Tempe Bacem


* 250 gram tempe, dipotong ukuran 5x6cm
* 4 buah tahu, diiris serong menjadi 2 bagian
* 2 lembar daun salam
* 1 potong lengkuas dimemarkan
* 500 cc air/air kelapa
* 50 cc minyak goreng

Bumbu yang dihaluskan:

* 1 sdt ketumbar
* 5 butir bawang merah
* 2 siung bawang putih
* 1 sdt garam
* ½ sdt asam
* 1 sdm gula merah

Cara Membuat:
  • Masukkan ke dalam panci, air kelapa, daun salam, lengkuas dan bumbu yang dihaluskan. Aduk sampai tercampur rata.
  • Masukkan tahu dan tempe.
  • Rebus sampai air habis dan tahu tempe matang.
  • Panaskan minyak goreng di dalam penggorengan.
  • Goreng tahu dan tempe sambil dibolak-balik sampai berwarna kecoklatan, tetapi jangan sampai terlalu kering.
  • Angkat dan dihidangkan

Untuk 5-6 orang.

Minggu, 13 Desember 2009

Spaghetti Daging Iga & Telur

150 g spaghetti kering
1 sdm mentega
1 siung bawang putih, cincang
10 g bawang Bombay, cincang
100 g daging iga sapi asap/beef bacon, cincang kasar
125 ml krim segar encer
1/2 sdt biji mustard
1/2 sdt oregano kering
1/2 sdt merica hitam bubuk
1 sdt garam
1 butir kuning telur ayam

1 sdm keju parmesan parut

Cara membuat:

Rebus spaghettini dengan air seukupnya hingga lunak. Angkat dan tiriskan.
Tumis bawang putih dan bawang Bombay hingga layu dan harum.
Masukkan daging iga asap, aduk hingga agak kering dan lemak meleleh.
Tuangi krim encer dan bubuhi bumbu lalu didihkan.
Masukkan spaghetti, aduk hingga rata.
Jika suka telur matang, masukkan langsung kuning telur dan aduk hingga matang.
Angkat, taburi keju parmesan.

Sajikan panas. Jika suka telur setengah matang, taruh kuning telur di atas spaghetti dan aduk selagi panas dan santap segera.

Untuk 2 orang

Source : http://detikfood.com/index.php/detik.read/tahun/2008/bulan/04/tgl/16/time/091542/idnews/924135/idkanal/363

Resep Spaghetti Saus Daging Sapi

Meskipun asalnya dari Italia, spageti dapat kita olah dengan saus dan bumbu-bumbu khas daerah lain. Misalnya dengan daging sapi saus cabai hijau. Spaghetti Saus Daging Sapi Cabai Hijau ini dapat anda campurkan dengan bahan lain menurut selera anda.

180 gr spaghetti
150 gr daging sapi
3 bh bawang merah, iris tipis
3 siung bawang putih, iris tipis
3 bh cabai hijau, iris miring
1 bh tomat potong 6 bagian
100 ml kaldu ayam
1 sdt oyster sauce
1 sdt gula
½ sdt kecap manis
30 ml air asam jawa
2 sdm tepung kanji, tambahkan 1 sdm air (pengental)
garam dan lada bubuk, secukupnya

Cara membuat:

Buat saus sapi cabai hijau: panaskan minyak zaitun, tumis bawang merah, bawang putih, cabai hijau, dan tomat sampai harum. Tambahkan daging, aduk hingga berubah warna, tuangi kaldu ayam.
Masukkan oyster sauce, gula, kecap manis, air asam jawa, garam, dan lada. Setelah matang, tuang bahan pengental, masak hingga meletup-letup. Sisihkan.
Rebus spaghetti dalam air mendidih selama 8 - 10 menit atau hingga cukup matang. Angkat, tiriskan.
Tata di atas piring saji, sirami dengan sausnya. Atau hidangkan sausnya secara terpisah.

Agar rasa spaghetti yang lebih enak dan gurih, setelah ditiriskan, spaghetti dapat ditumis terlebih dulu dengan bawang putih, lalu dibumbui dengan garam dan lada bubuk.
Cara membuat kaldu ayam: didihkan air sekitar 2 liter, lalu masukkan potongan wortel, daun bawang, seledri, bawang bombai, dan tulang ayam, diamkan hingga mendidih. Kecilkan apinya, tunggu sekitar ½ jam, lalu angkat, saring, dan tiriskan.
Untuk 1 orang

Jus Jinggapaya, Sajian Segar Buat Calon Mama


300 gr pepaya manis, kupas
600 ml jus jeruk manis, hasil perasan dari 1.200 gr jeruk pontianak/siam
2 sdm minyak zaitun ekstra virgin, bila ada

Cara Membuat:

1. Potong-potong pepaya, masukkan ke dalam mangkuk blender.
2. Tambahkan jus jeruk dan minyak zaitun. Proses hingga lembut. Sajikan segera.

Jus ini berlimpah vitamin C, betakaroten (terutama likopen), gula alami, dan lemak sehat Omega-3. Minuman ini baik untuk meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh, meningkatkan penyerapan kalsium, dan membantu pembentukan sel-sel otak janin.



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